Based on the novel by Onjali Q Rauf, adapted by Nick Ahad and directed by Monique Touko, the Boy at the Back of the Class really hits home with its messages of friendship and kindness.
Ahmet (Farshid Rokey) is a refugee who joins school after arriving in England, taking the spare seat at the back of the class. He doesn’t know anyone, is unable to speak English, he’s frightened and shy, and doesn’t even know if his parents are still alive. And yet, some children and adults see him as different and therefore a target for bullying and a reason to ostracize and spread rumours.
Alexa (Sasha Desouza-Willock) and her friends Michael (Abdul-Malik Jannen), Tom (Gordon Millar) and Josie (Petra Joan-Athene) hear the rumours and the gossip, but eventually find out the truth about Ahmet. He’s a refugee from Syria who has been separated from his parents.
Looking at the world through a child’s lens, the performance really demonstrates how much of an influence adults and peers can have on a young person’s experience of growing up and navigating the world.
The really heart touching point is when Ahmet finds his voice at the end of the first half and gives the audience a glimpse of what life has been and continues to be like for him to endure.
When Alexa finds out that Ahmet’s parents are missing and the borders are closing, the friends decide to take on a special mission to try to reunite them, which involves travelling to London and witnessing the changing of the guard whilst attempting to deliver a very special letter to the Queen.
The adult cast play the children and adults, interchanging seamlessly. The casts mannerisms and actions depicting the nine year olds is handled well. Costume changes are slick and uninterrupted.
The stage set was sparse which made for easy changes when needed. The lighting came into its own with the set changes, becoming, as well as the classroom, a football pitch, the front of a bus, Alexa’s front room and Buckingham Palace, amongst others. The use of the blue silk at the start of the performance depicting the ocean is really effective.
The Boy at the Back of the Class is at Curve until Saturday June 8. Tickets £10-£22.50.
Captioned: Saturday June 8, 2.00pm